Dinu Săraru: Never before, during the 100 years of existence of the Romanian State, was hope more painfully and more anxiously considered as today
Dinu Săraru
Dinu Săraru: Never before, during the 100 years of existence of the Romanian State, was hope more painfully and more anxiously considered as today
Never before, during the 100 years of existence of the Romanian State, was hope more painfully and more anxiously considered as today.
The centenary is, for all Romanians, a crossroad; once there, we are the only ones who can, through our mind, through our solidarity, though our spirit of sacrifice, find the road to a better life. This is a decisive moment for the future that awaits us, and we need to prove that we know how to build it in accordance with our identity, with the dignity and the ardent patriotism with which our forerunners assumed the ideals of 1918 in front of history.
If we know how to match their ardent patriotism, we will be again what we once were, we will again be Romania of the Great Union!